Fraunhofer FHR

Key technology radar

Key Technologie Radar

Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR researches customized concepts, techniques and systems for electromagnetic sensors from the microwave range through to the lower terahertz range. For its partners, the institute develops high frequency sensors for ultra-precise range or position determination as well as imaging systems with resolutions of up to 3.75 mm. The systems are also capable of tracking and classifying detected objects. Typical application areas for these devices include reconnaissance, surveillance and protection on various platforms in rural and urban environments. Radar is ideal for the acquisition of position data irrespective of the weather and lighting conditions. With several anechoic measurement chambers, technology centers for the production of analog and digital circuit boards as well as high frequency technology through to the lower terahertz range, the institute offers excellent possibilities for the development of modern electromagnetic sensor systems. The technologies used range from traditional waveguide techniques to highly-integrated silicon-germanium chips with frequencies of up to 300 GHz.

© Fraunhofer FHR
© Fraunhofer FHR
© Fraunhofer FHR

The range of services offered by the Fraunhofer FHR include:


  • Technology consulting, performance analyses and appraisals

  • Development of user-specific imaging, detection, classification and tracking methods (signal processing and result presentation in real time and knowledge-based)

  • Hardware and software development for robust, interferenceresistant radar systems for various platforms with high resolution and dynamics from the design right up to the operational product
    - Scanner and mobile systems for the active screening of persons and objects, detection of fire sources, monitoring of critical infrastructures
    - Perimeter, coastal and air surveillance, detection of small drones and floating bodies
    - Observation of gatherings of people, panic detection, detection of signs of life

  • Design of active and passive radar sensors for close- and longrange applications

  • Development of camouflage methods, deception, jamming of external radars and hardening of internal systems

  • Radars for space reconnaissance: techniques, methods and systems for the reconnaissance and surveillance of the situation in space, mission support and analyses